
    The Consideration for Mass Cultural Critical Theories of Historical Materialism

    • 摘要: 大众文化作为后现代社会的文化主导,它的本质特征是由高雅走向世俗,趋向商品化,颠覆了传统价值观,并使得文化问题成为政治问题的一部分,究其原因,主要有资本主义的生产方式、消费主义的生活方式和科技的非理性应用,大众文化批判理论坚持了生产方式批判、生活方式批判和科技批判3个维度的统一,回应了后现代主义文化批判理论的质疑。


      Abstract: The essential characteristics of mass culture as the cultural dominant direction for postmodern society are from elegant to secular,even incline to commercialization,which overturn the traditional values and make the cultural problems become political ones.The main reasons are owing to the capitalist mode of production,the way of living consumption and the irrational application of science and technology.The insistence of mass cultural critical theories is on the consistency of the three dimensions of the production critical mode,critical way of life and technology criticism,making response to the questions of postmodern cultural and critical theories.


