On the Relationship between WTO and the Market Trend of Chinese Higher Education
摘要: 中国加入WTO,意味着中国将与所有会员国一起,直面经济全球化,共同面临业已形成的国际教育贸易市场。中国无法也不应回避这个日益壮大的国际市场,只有尽快培育成熟的国内教育市场,主动应对国际化的挑战,才能在国际教育大市场上争得应有地位。Abstract: China's entering into WTO means that the country, together with other WTO members, will have to face the globalization of economics and the trade market of international education as well. China neither can nor should evade the growing international market. It is necessary for us to foster the domestic market first in order to actively take up the challenges of the internationalization. By doing this, we will win our ideal position in the big market of international education.