
    On Han Fei's Ideas on “Stability” and “Change”

    • 摘要: 韩非是先秦时期著名的政治理论家、思想家、卓越的唯物主义哲学家,他立足于先秦时期各国的历史现状,提出了一系列光辉灿烂的精湛思想,其中对于"常""变"思想的新的理解和诠释,更具有鲜明的特色和独树一帜的风格,为其变法图强的政治改革和秦的统一天下做出了重要的理论准备。


      Abstract: Han Fei was an outstanding statesman and materialist of Pre-Qin period.With a thorough review on the history and present situation of different empires in his time,Han Fei put forward a series of splendid ideas,including the ideas on "stability" and "change". The paper maintains that there two ideas provided theoretical basis for reforms and unification of Oin Dynasty.


