
    Similarity and Difference on Artistic Style of Yu Dafu and Shi Zhecun's Novels

    • 摘要: 郁达夫和施蛰存的小说有同有异,很有可比性。其异同主要表现在:都属于心理分析小说,但其严格程度、感情烈度不同;都有对性心理的描写,但郁氏写的是性苦闷,施氏写的是性压抑;小说中都洋溢着一种诗情画意,但郁氏小说多描绘自然美景,施氏小说多渲染古典之美。两人小说风格的相同性主要是因为传统文化修养的共同性、现实人生的孤独和压迫感以及外来影响的共同性,不同性主要是生活经历、文学主张和性格不同造成的。比较两人小说风格的异同能让人们更好地把握两人小说的艺术特质,从而在一定程度上窥探作家创作的一般规律。


      Abstract: Yu Dafu and Shi Zhecun's novels have something in common and also have many differences.They mainly represent the following.They all belong to psychological novels,but the stringency and the intensity of feelings are different,and so on.They all have the description of sexual psychology,but the former is sexual depression,the latter is sexual repression.Both of their novels have poetic atmosphere,but the former is natural beauty,the latter is classical beauty.Their novels have something in common,mainly because they have common traditional cultural training,common feelings of loneliness and oppression in real life,and the common influences from outside.They have their novel differences mainly because they had different life experiences,different literary ideas,and different characters.Both of their novels made a huge contribution to the morden Chinese literature.


