
    Relationship between Beijing Modern Service Industry Convergence and Upgrading of Industrial Structure

    • 摘要: 以探究北京现代服务业融合与产业结构升级的关联为目的,根据2002—2010年北京投入产出表计算北京现代服务业融合度,再利用灰色关联分析法研究北京现代服务业融合与北京产业结构升级的关系,发现北京现代服务业内部融合对北京产业结构升级的促进作用比较明显,但并不能为北京产业结构升级提供足够的动力,还需进一步发展北京现代服务业的跨产业融合以寻求更多的升级空间。


      Abstract: Aiming at exploring the relationship between Beijing modern service industry convergence and upgrading of industrial structure.Firstly,applying 2002—2010 input-output tables of Beijing to measuring the convergence degree of Beijing modern service industry,and then using gray correlation analysis method to analyze the relationship between Beijing modern service industry convergence and upgrading of industrial structure.The conclusions are;The inner convergence of Beijing modern service industry plays an important role in accelerating upgrading of the industrial structure,but it's not enough and more upgrading space must be sought from the convergence between Beijing modern service industry and other industries.


