
    The Controversy about Tang and Song Poems:the Last Poetry'Rencountre to Nan-Community

    • 摘要: 清末民初之际的关于唐宋诗的论争,逐渐由诗学观念的分歧变成南社内部的政治斗争,从而最终导致了南社的解散。这其中既有社会环境的因素,也有内、外部文学环境的影响。从某种意义上说,南社内部的这次论战不仅是一场诗学论争,也是宗唐与宗宋派及其背后所代表的政治势力和文化影响的相互角力。


      Abstract: The representative Liu-yazi and many Nan-Community members had an argument about tang and song poems which used Min-guo daily as position and the poetry theory published by the newspapers and periodicals as weapon,then it turned to political conflict.The reason was complicated including the social circumstance influence and literary situation transform.It was not only a poetry controversy,but also a mutual disputation about political and cultural influence.The argument not only brought NanCommunity disaggregation but also the last conflict and it became the downfall symbol of the classical literature.


