遵循社会建设原则 积极稳妥推进城镇化
Propelling the Urbanization Actively and Reliably Abiding by the Principles of Society-building
摘要: 经济建设和社会建设分属不同领域,要按照各自的发展规律办事。城镇化是社会建设的重要内容,但由于中国的城市建设一直以来都被纳入经济建设并按照经济规律实施,因此导致各种城市病的产生。当前中国的城市建设和城市化发展要按照社会建设的原则稳步实施,只有把推进城镇化纳入社会建设总体规划,并积极推进农民工市民化,才能真正破除城乡二元格局,实现城乡一体化。Abstract: The economic construction and the society-building belong to the different fields,and we must act according to their own principles.The urbanization is an important content of the society-building,since the urban construction in China has always been included in the economic construction instead of the society-building and it has implemented on the basis of the economic laws,the various kinds of city diseases have emerged.At present,the urban construction and the urbanization should be promoted according to the principles of the society-building in China.We won't break through the binary structure of urban and rural areas to realize their integration unless bringing propelling the urbanization into the overall planning of the society-building and promoting the migrant workers citizenship actively.