
    Irony in Oral English

    • 摘要: 结合语用学方面的理论探讨了反语修辞在口语中的应用。口语反语主要表现为词语反语、情景式反语与引语辞反语3种;口语中应用反语可增强讽刺或幽默的效果;其成功表达对主观讲话者、客观受话者和传达反语信息的媒介这3个必要条件均提出特殊的要求。


      Abstract: This paper,by employing some theories form pragmatic,aims to discuss the rhetorical device of irony when used in oral English.The introduction is a simple explanation of the concept and history of irony.The main part concerns three aspects of irony-the form,the effect and the components.In conversation the irony may show itself in such different ways as verbal irony,situation irony and quotation irony,which can always reinforce the emotion of sarcasm or humor when there are some special factors in communication,such as the cooperative speaker,the understanding listener,the meaningful words,the indispensable environment and so on.The last part is a clean summary of the whole paper.


