
    Social Management Innovation and Welfare Society Construction

    • 摘要: 如果把加强社会管理片面理解为加大“打压管控”力度,那就只能事倍功半,甚至事与愿违。发达国家提供的一条成功经验,就是把社会管理置于社会福利建设的基础之上,社会福利建设可以明显地缓解社会紧张,只有社会紧张度舒缓了,社会管理才能事半功倍。我国目前正处于矛盾凸显期,社会管理的治本之策是缩小社会差距,增进社会福利。这是社会管理创新的基础和重点。


      Abstract: Things will be done by halves if strengthening the social management is misunderstood as increasing the power of control.Aiming at solving this problem,a successful experience provided by the developed countries is to put the social management on the basis of the social welfare construction.The social welfare construction can significantly ease social tensions.And only in this way,can the social management be perfectly done.China is now in the time of obvious contradiction,the goal of the social management is to narrow the gap between the different levels in the society and improve the social welfare.


