
    On Solicitude for Civil Life as the Basis of the Constitution Implementation

    • 摘要: 宪法与民众的生活息息相关,民众生活是宪法的逻辑起点与永恒的价值取向,民生也是宪法的重要内容,而宪法则是民众生活的根本保障。30年宪法实施效果的反思与当前民生问题高发的现实启示我们:宪法的实施需要体现民生关怀。当前应以民生关怀为基点,通过强化制约权力、关注民生的立宪、行宪理念,坚持人民主体地位,坚持和改善党的领导与执政方式,建立完善宪法保障制度等进一步推进宪法的贯彻实施。


      Abstract: The constitution and the civil life are closely linked and the civil life is the logical starting point and the eternal value orientation of the constitution,it is also the important content of the constitution,but the constitution is the fundamental guarantee for the civil life.The reflection on the effects of the constitution implementation for 30 years and the current reality of the civil life issues require us:The solicitude for civil life should be reflected in.the constitution implementation.The author claims that the basis of the constitution implementation is the solicitude for civil life,with the purpose of further promoting the implementation of the constitution by strengthening the philosophy of the constitutionalism and showing the solicitude for civil life,adhering to the dominant position of the people,upholding and improving the Party's leadership and governing style,establishing and improving the constitution guarantee systems.


