
    The Expression of Human Consciousness——Recognition of the Theoretical Meaning of Dianlun Lunwen

    • 摘要: 将曹丕《典论·论文》论述的问题作为整体理解,并将它放在具体的时代文化背景中来认识,不同意学界将《典论·论文》看作“文学的自觉性的表现”的观点,也不同意将“文学的自觉”与“为艺术而艺术”作不同质的理解,认为“文学的自觉”在本质上就是“为艺术而艺术”,《典论·论文》是“人的自觉性的表现”,同时也为“文学的自觉”揭开了序幕。


      Abstract: This paper understands the argument in Cao Pi's Dianlun Lunwen as a whole, and recognizes it in the concrete background of times and culture. Therefore, it does not agree that academic circles consider Dianlun Lunwen as "the expression of literary consciousness" and think that "literary consciousness" is different with "art for art's sake"; and it considers that "literary consciousness" is "art for art's sake" in the essence and that Dianlun Lunwen is "the expression of human consciousness"; besides, raises the curtain for "literary consciousness".


