The Review of Xuheng's Humanological Thoughts
摘要: 许衡的理学人学思想主要有3个方面内容:以理为宗的多元人学本体论;"万物之灵,惟人为贵"的人学价值论;"内外交养,以内为主"的人性修养论。其"重人事"的人学思想开辟了我国古代民本主义人学思想的先河,研究许衡的人学思想,对于厘清中国古代人学由中古向近古的转型具有重要意义。Abstract: Xuheng was the great scholar of northern Confucian philosophical school in Yuan dynasty, and his humanological thoughts come from Confucian philosophy concluding three parts:humanological plural ontology signed Confucian; humanological axiology which protests human as the best rare; the theory of human culture which consists of primary inner culture and out culture. Xuheng's regarded living humanological thoughts were the forerunner of ancient Chinese humanology and to study Xuheng' s humanological thoughts is very important to hackle the transformation of ancient Chinese hurnanology from mediaeval to recent antiquity age.