
    On to-and-fro Rhyme Scheme for Regulated Verse in Miscellanies Style

    • 摘要: 进退格是晚唐郑谷等人为近体诗制定的一种用韵格式。其用韵规则是选择不可通押的邻韵部的字押韵。不能将“东”“冬”、“寒”“删”等视作相通的韵部。正因为用相邻而不相通的韵部的字押韵,才构成了杂体律诗中的进退格。进退格不能用于绝句。该格的产生有先期基础。李贺是最早的作者。


      Abstract: The rhyme scheme of to-and-fro is a sort of tonal pattern that Zheng gu and other poets developed for modern "Cstyle poetry in the late Tang Dynasty. It is characterized by rhyming two words at different ends of verse that are neighboring but un-rhyming interchangeably. "dong", for instance, can not be rhymed with "dong", and "han" not rhymed with "shan". For they belong to different rhymes which can not be rhymed interchangeably. It is due to this rule that the rhyme scheme of to-and-fro appeared in the regulated verse in miscellanies style, which can not be used in a pent syllabic quatrain or a heptasyllabic quatrain. The first user of this rhyme scheme is Li He.


