
    Pondering on Rights Protection of Farmer-workers in View of Harmonious Society

    • 摘要: 采用定性与定量相结合的分析方法,对我国农民工权益保障问题进行了研究,指出农民工是在我国社会转型和体制转变过程中产生的特殊社会群体,他们为我国经济和社会发展做出了巨大的贡献。提出应从构建社会主义和谐社会的高度充分认识农民工合法权益保障问题的重要性,从改革二元化户籍管理制度,加大立法与执法力度,加强社会保障,提高农民工素质等方面促成农民工维权新格局的形成。


      Abstract: By adopting the method of integrating the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, the article carries out a research on rights protection of farmer-workers in China and Puts forward counterplans to solve the problem. Farmer-workers compose a special social group which comes into being during the process of social transformation and system reform in China. They have made great contributions to China's economic and social development. We should fully understand the importance of protecting the rights of farmer-workers in view of building up a harmonious socialist society, and form a new farmer-workers rights protection pattern by reforming dual household registration management system, perfecting legislation and enforcement of laws, strengthening social security, and improving the quality of farmer-workers, etc.


