
    On the Style of Assistant and Retinue of the Seven Talented Writers in the Jian'an Period in Their Later Stage Literary Creation

    • 摘要: 建安七子生活后期或成为汉廷的忠实幕僚(孔融),或成为曹府的幕宾侍从(孔融之外的六人),生活处境相似,思想相通,创作风格也更加接近,形成相对鲜明的群体风格特色。主要表现为创作中的“幕僚侍从特色”,如奉命之作,幕僚色彩;谀媚之辞,侍从色彩;思想压抑,情绪烦闷;同题共咏,为文造情等。


      Abstract: In Jian'an Seven Talented Writers,some became the loyal assistant (Kong Rong) in the royal court of Han dynasty and some the assistants and retinues (the six men except Kong Rong) in Cao Cao' s government office in their later stage of lives. They lived in similar circumstances, shared similar thoughts,so formed nearly the similar literary styles. Their works have relatively distinctive common style, mainly the style of assistant and retinue, for example, style of the aide to ranking official shown in the works under orders, flattering words style of retinue, depressed thoughts and worried feeling, works of the same title or subject matter and the made feeling for art s sake, etc.


