
    Regards the Boundary Esthetically by the Zhu Xi Poem Comfortable Interest's Culture

    • 摘要: 朱熹诗的闲适人生意趣不仅有着厚重的文化底蕴,而且表现出独特的审美意蕴,其主要体现为:舞雩归咏之乐、卜居之趣、诗酒风流和禅悦之思。朱熹诗呈现的朱子闲适之趣与儒家文化中“乐以忘忧”的精神、道家的适性逍遥、释家的随缘任运及中国诗酒文化内蕴的雅适之趣都有密切的渊源关系。


      Abstract: The comfortable life interest of Zhu Xi's poem not only has the rich cultural deposits and also displays the unique esthetic implication.In short,it mainly manifests the happiness of praying for rain with dancing and singing poems to the music,the interest of choosing a place for residence,composing poems while drinking and the pleasure of thinking silently.There are close relations between the interests of comforts presented by Zhu Xi's poems and the spirit of joy by forgetting worries from the Confucius culture,the reasonable freedom of Taoism,the idea of abiding by the natural fate from Buddhism and the implication of composing poems while drinking from Chinese culture.


