
    Function Change of Township Government in the Sight of Grass-roots Cadres:Inquiring Grass-roots Cadres in Hubei,Anhui and Chongqing Provinces

    • 摘要: 针对农业税取消以后,乡级政府的财政收入剧减,使乡镇财政在"后税费时代"陷入困境,也使乡镇政府的正常运行面临着新的考验等问题,指出要保持乡镇政府的合法性,其职能必须进行相应的转变。这既是乡镇政府自身发展的要求,也是整个社会的呼吁。在对鄂、皖、渝三地基层干部问卷调查的基础上,对乡镇政府职能转变进行了思考。


      Abstract: With the abolition of the agricultural tax, the budgetary income of township government decreases, which aggravates the contradiction of income and expense in township government, and makes the finance of township government in trouble. The normal function of township government is confronted with the new challenges in post-tax-and-fee era. Therefore, the function of township government is obliged to make corresponding change in order to keep its legitimacy and to work regularly. The appeals for the development of township government and the desire of the whole society are urgent. The paper tries to explore the change of the function of township government in the basis of inquiring grass-roots cadres in Hubei, Anhui and Chongqing Provinces.


