On the Main Characteristics of Lu Xueyi's Sociology Theory
摘要: 作为著名的社会学家和“三农”问题专家,陆学艺在长期深入社会调查研究的基础上,做了大量开拓性工作,创立了具有鲜明特点的社会学理论。陆学艺社会学理论的主要特点可以归纳为接地气、敢担当、讲真话、有创见4个方面,这也是陆学艺学术品格和高尚精神的重要体现。对于建立和完善具有中国风格和中国气派的社会学体系具有重要启示。Abstract: Lu Xueyi is a famous sociologist and expert of "San-Nong" issues. He developed the sociology theory with distinct characteristics by long-term social survey, and has made great contribution to the construction of Chinese sociology theory and the promotion of the social modernizations in China. The main features of Lu-Xueyi's sociology theory are as follows:being close to the general public; being of responsibility; telling the truth and having creative ideas. It will be very helpful to develop and improve the sociology system with Chinese style and manner.