
    On the Development of Chinese National Culture under the Circumstances of Globalization

    • 摘要: 受经济全球化影响,各国文化既互相融合又存在冲突,使我国民族文化的发展既面临机遇又面临挑战。要促进民族文化的发展,就应以马克思主义为指导,大力发展生产力,批判继承传统文化,积极吸收外来文化。


      Abstract: Under the circumstances of globalization, cultural absorption and conflicts take place be-tween different countries, so the development of Chinese national culture faces not only opportuni-ties but also challenges. To promote the development of Chinese national culture, we should strenu-ously develop productive force and critically inherit the traditional culture, and positively absorb for-eign cultures under the guidance of Marxism.


