
    On the Development and Perfection of Share Repurchase System

    • 摘要: 针对股份回购在我国法律制度和实践中已经有了初步的发展,其中的不足和模糊之处需要进一步分析研究以求完善的现实,指出股份回购的研究将更多地侧重和运用功能分析的方法以及经济逻辑上的推演分析等方法。认为我国公司法应拓宽股份回购的法定适用情形,进一步明确股份回购的适用条件。同时,应当防止股份回购制度成为权宜使用的政策性工具,并应当禁止那些并不明显具有正当性的股份回购。为平衡股份回购相关各方的权益,应根据不同的回购事由,分别确立不同的股份回购的定价原则或方法。在回购方式上应主要采取拍卖式要约回购。对已回购但未注销的股份应确定其股东权处于中止状态。


      Abstract: There are primary developments on Share repurchase in Chinese legal system and practice,but its deficiency is so obvious that we should further study it.We chiefly apply some methods such as function analysis and deduction in economic logic to study share repurchase.Generally,lawful conditions applying to share repurchase should be developed and defined in company legislation.Share repurchase system should not become a policy tool that just may temporarily be used,and share repurchase lack of legitimacy must be prohibited.It is necessary to balance and harmonize rights and its benefits of those relating to share repurchase,so principles or methods on share repurchase price should be confirmed according to the different conditions of share repurchase.The main way of share repurchase should be similar to Dutch auction.When shares have been repurchased and temporarily been saved,rights based on repurchase share should be suspended.


