
    Make the Commercial Cake Bigger and Expand the Access to Employment

    • 摘要: 衡量一国商业规模大小的标准有二,即商业从业人员占社会总人口的比重和商业从业人员占全社会总就业人员的比重。通过国际比较,表明我国商业发展空间很大,指出在市场经济条件下,商业既是国民经济的先寻性行业,也是市场变化的“晴雨表”,认为中国商业的发展应走“合作竞争”的道路,发展存量商业资源,努力提高我国商业从业人员占社会总人口的比重,做大商业“蛋糕”,为就业岗位提供广阔空间。


      Abstract: There are two criteria to measure the scale of commerce in a country: the ratio of commercial employed population to the total population of the nation and the ratio of commercial employed population to total employed population of the nation. The broadening space of commerce is still large in China if this question is viewed by international comparison. Commerce is both the precursory industry of the national economic development and the barometer of market changes. The development of Chinese commerce should follow a way of Cooperative Competition to make full use of stock commercial resources and increase the ratio of commercial employments to the total population. Let's make the commercial cake bigger so as to provide more employment opportunities


