
    Norm and Practice: Random Notes on Collation of Ancient Literary Books

    • 摘要: 古籍整理与校勘工作密不可分。研究指出在长期历史实践中形成的校勘学原则与规范应当继承发扬,认为对不同的古籍与不同的需要,校勘方法应有所变通,校勘记的表现方式也要随之有所不同,同时要杜绝文学古籍校勘工作中的一切随意性。


      Abstract: In China great success has already been achieved in sorting out ancient literary books, which is closely related to the work of collation. The principles and norms, shaped during past long-term practice, of the discipline of collation should be inherited and carried forward. According to different books and demands, approaches to collation might as well differ, and forms to record collation might differ too. All kinds of arbitrariness in collation of ancient literary books, however, should be turnd down.


