
    On the Theory About Temperament of Sun Yuanxiang

    • 摘要: 孙原湘性情诗论主要包括2个方面:主张诗歌抒发自己的真情实感,追求真我的展现,这与袁枚较为相通;其性情论又不脱儒家伦理道德之囿,这一点与蒋士铨更为接近。孙原湘之实际创作与其理论主张是基本相吻合的,只是其理论上虽处于袁枚与蒋士铨之间,实际创作则偏向于袁枚一方。其诗展现更多的是诗人一己之情,多有性灵之风。在伦理道德内容上,其诗所表现出的并没有诗论所强调的那么重,而是较为开通。


      Abstract: There are two aspects in the theory about temperament of Sun Yuanxiang: Firstly, he proposed to express one's feeling as really as possible in one's poem just as Yuan mei did; secondly, he proposed incompatibly that the expression of one' s temperament in one' s poem could never go too far beyond the Confucian morality, just as Jiang Shiquan did. The style of his poem is consistent with his theory. His style is more inclined to Yuan Mei in writing. Most of his poems show his own feeling, much more emotional and as less rational as he proposed in his theory on temperament.


