
    Female Monologue of Zhang Jie's Works Taking Pick Wheat as an Example

    • 摘要: 张洁的《拣麦穗》以女性特有的独语,反映了一种世俗的荒诞意识,在对非功利的纯真感情的执著追求与呼唤中,折射出作者的“恋父情结”与“柏拉图式精神恋爱”。《拣麦穗》题材新颖、构思独特、用戏剧化的话语结构、象征主义手法和寓意,以独步卓然的创新足迹,对推动散文文体的时代嬗变,作出了探索性的贡献。


      Abstract: The female monologue peculiar to Zhang Jie's "Pick Wheat" reflects a secular absurd consciousness,and the non-utility pure feelings of persistent pursuit and calling reflect the author's "electra complex" and "Platon the Platonic love".He promoted the historical changes of prose style,and made the exploratory contribution by the way of the novel theme and the unique design of "Pick wheat",with dramatic discourse structure,symbolism and allegory,and his great innovation footprint.


