
    Qunxue: Xun Zi's Initiating Contribution and Explanation to its Profoundity

    • 摘要: 荀子为中国社会学做出了开创性的贡献,是群学创始人,是中国社会学的奠基人;阐释了荀子的群学,在以“群”的概念为核心的基础上,形成围绕这一核心概念的概念群和概念体系,提出“群”的若干命题,阐释合群、能群、善群、乐群的要旨,并将此贯穿践行于中国社会“修身齐家治国平天下”理想的各个层面,进而形成社会规范,约束个体行为,浸润群体生活,调节社会关系,影响社会变迁;荀子创立的群学,对中国社会的发展起到了重要作用,也成为中国社会学绵延发展的基石以及弥足珍贵的优秀传统。


      Abstract: Xun Zi has made the initiating contribution to the sociology in China and he is the founder of Qunxue and the sociology. With the core concept of Qun, his Qunxue formed a group of concepts and a system of concepts, advanced some propositions concerning Qun, explained the main idea of Qun, which runs through all the levels of the traditional Chinese ideals of 'self cultivation, family harmony, country management and world peace'. It becomes regulations and constraints the individual behavior and the whole society. Xunzi's Qunxue has an important influence on the social development in China and is the fine tradition of the sociology in China with the sustainable development.


