
    Mao Zedong' s View on New Democratic and Harmonious Society

    • 摘要: 毛泽东构建新民主主义和谐社会的切入点,是运用经济、政治、文化3要素组成的社会结构分析法,来论证三者全面协调的发展。其关于根据地的政治、经济和文化建设的理论与实践是新民主主义和谐社会思想的具体展开,而最终的落脚点是人的和谐发展。毛泽东的创新思想对于构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的借鉴意义。


      Abstract: Mao Zedong structured new democratic and harmonious society by using economy, politics and culture--three social structure analytic approach that makes sense, proving the three to develop harmoniously in an all-round way. The theory and practice of his idea of the triune approach about the base area are the concrete expansion of the harmonious social thought of the new democracy. And the final landing is on man' s harmonious development Mao Zedong' s innovative thought has important vale of reference in structuring the socialist harmonious society.


