Study on the Reasons for Non-institution Political Participation: Taking Xiamen PX Event for Example
摘要: 政治参与是民主政治建设的重要内容,按照政治参与主体行为是否符合政治系统的程序和制度,政治参与可分为制度化政治参与和非制度化政治参与。近年来我国公民非制度化政治参与呈现增长趋势,研究非制度化政治参与,认识其表现形式,分析其原因,寻找治理对策,对于扩大公民有序参与,构建和谐社会具有重大的现实意义。文章以厦门PX事件为例,试图从国家制度、公民文化、信息技术等方面分析非制度化政治参与的原因,并从中得出一些启示。Abstract: Political participation is the important part of the democratic construction.On the basis of whether it conforms to the legal system stipulation related procedure,political participation can be divided into two types: the institutional political participation and non-institutional political participation.The trend of non-institutional political participation is upward at present in china,and becomes a prominent problem.It is of great significance for the development of democracy and the construction of harmonious society to analyze the reasons and bring forward a reasonable way out.This article,taking Xiamen PX event for example,attempts to analyze the factors causing the non-institutional political participation,from the angles of national system,culture and information technology.