
    Reconsideration About the Triune Mode in Social Security System for the Land-losing Farmers

    • 摘要: 通过对我国城乡衔接“三位一体”社会保障模式的再思考,力图为制度公平保证城市化发展效率提供一种路径参考。在文献资料与实地调查的基础上的,从制度关联下的角色关系互动视角,研究透视了失地农民社会保障制度问题。结论认为失地农民社会保障问题解决的关键是要关注制度之间的关联性,明确各利益主体之间的利益需求与行动的利益制约性,通过明确角色定位与合作实现多赢。这其中,政府不能“不在场”,必须承担起中流砥柱的职责。


      Abstract: This paper thinks over the triune mode of society security and brings forward a referenced idea for the development in urban fringe. The content analysis are on the basis of the site investigation and data, adopting interactive role relation, a special angle of view, to see through the problem. The key of problem is the benefit need and the benefit relationship among roles. The reclassified and explicitly defined roles-playing is needed and favorable to all relative sides. In course of doing this, the government should act as a leading actor rather than an absentee.


