
    Legal Improvement on the Right to the Development of the Impoverished People

    • 摘要: 贫困人口发展权的法律完善,是在整合现有法律制度的基础上,进行更有利于贫困人口实现发展权的制度优化。具体包括以发展权为重心定位减贫立法,以国家义务为基础设计减贫义务以及以赋权法治为机制推行减贫方法。


      Abstract: Legal improvement on the right to the development of the impoverished people is a process of system optimization for the poor,based on integrating the existing legal system.It includes anti-poverty legislation with the core of right to the development,poverty reduction duty of the State,and the empowerment to the poor.


