
    An Anti-monopoly Study on the Professional Sports

    • 摘要: 针对职业体育运动中的反垄断问题,指出职业体育运动作为一项产业,必然要受到反垄断法的规制。我国反垄断法没有对职业体育运动实施反垄断豁免。职业体育运动中的反竞争行为主要表现为资方卡特尔、滥用垄断地位、联合拒绝交易、并购、行政性垄断等。鉴于职业体育运动既竞争又合作的特性,反垄断法对这一领域竞争者之间的联合行为,应用合理原则进行分析。


      Abstract: As the "comer stone of the market economy", the anti-monopoly law enjoys its general application. And as big business, the professional sports should also be regulated by the anti-monopoly law. The anti-monopoly law doesn't grant exemption to the professional sports. The main anti-monopoly issues in this field include cartels among owners, abuse monopoly position, concerted refusals to deal, mergers and acquisitions, administrative monopoly and etc. Because the very nature of the business requires both competition and cooperation, the anti-monopoly law should apply the rule of rationalization upon the combinations between/among competitors.


