Empirical Analysis and Quantity Measurement of Intellectual Property Protection in China
摘要: 根据我国1985—2013年知识产权数据,构建了我国知识产权保护水平指数,并结合宏观经济数据,运用经济学的计量分析方法,通过对我国的知识产权保护状态进行量化测度和实证检验,得出变量间的长期均衡关系模型和短期误差修正模型,并对变量间的格兰杰因果关系进行了探讨;且在实证结果的基础上得出我国知识产权保护仍需进一步加强的结论,并对我国知识产权保护机制的发展给出了建议。Abstract: This article constructs the Chinese IP protection Index based on the recent IP data and economic data from 1985 to 2013,and analyses the relationship between the IP protection mechanism and the economic growth in China through empirical methods.Following the endogenous economic growth theories which are including the IP factor,using the recent patent grants data which is published by SIPO and the IP protection index,the article describes the long-run and short-run relationships in the models which are confirmed by the co-integration analyst,ECM,Granger Causality test.This article concludes that we still need to enhance the IP protection mechanism in the future and gives some comments and suggestions on Chinese IP protection.