
    Institutional Mechanisms for Urban and Rural Areas of Innovation System Theory

    • 摘要: 从统筹城乡规划、户籍一体化改革、土地产权制度改革、城乡生产要素配置、加大对弱质农业的直接扶持5个方面阐述了统筹城乡发展的热点问题。指出统筹城乡发展必须一改单项改革的传统做法,开展涵盖社会、经济与政治的综合性改革和体制机制系统建设。在整体推进统筹城乡发展体制机制创新的同时,还必须高度重视坚持统筹城乡体制机制创新的系统性和完整性等5个方面的关键性问题。


      Abstract: From the five aspects of the urban and rural planning,the integration of household registration reform,the land ownership reform,the urban and rural production factor,and increasing the direct support of the five weak agriculture,this paper discusses the hot issue of the urban and rural development For the Urban and rural development,the traditional practice of individual reforms has to be changed,the combination of the social,economic and political reforms and institutional mechanisms for integrated system construction should be carried out While promoting the system innovation of the overall urban and rural development,great importance must be attached to the key issues in five areas.


