On Improvement of Legislation on Our L C System
摘要: 针对改革开放后我国国际贸易的迅速扩大,以信用证结算的交易大量增加,信用证欺诈与诈骗等违法犯罪问题日趋凸显的问题,根据我国的立法现状,从刑法、民商法2个方面就信用证的立法完善问题进行了探讨,并指出亟须对信用证交易进行法律规范,对信用证欺诈和信用证诈骗进行界定处理,以完善我国的相关法律规定,促进我国对外贸易的健康发展。Abstract: The paper discusses on the improvement of the legislation of our L C system in terms of the criminal law and the civil and commercial law with the view of our present law-making problems as well as the practical crimes of swindles related to L C cases in course of the increased L C using in the final accounts in the swift increase of the international trade resulting from our open-door policy. It points out that it is necessary to take the action of the law-making in time. It also specifically gives the definition of the crime of L C swindles and L C defrauds.