
    The Theory of Hierarchies of Rules of Law and the Developmental Patterns of Rules of Law

    • 摘要: 法治层次论主张法治由治理方式、制度形态、秩序状态和价值理念等4个高低不同的层次组成,这4个层次,从宏观上又可分为制度法治和观念法治两大部分。法治建构论强调的是制度法治的建立方式,进化论针对的是观念法治的衍生过程,二者不仅不相互排斥,反而是紧密相连的依存关系。


      Abstract: This paper points out that the theory of hierarchies of rules of law consists of methods of government, form of institution, state of order and idea of value, which can be considered falling under two categories:institutional rules of law and conceptual rules of law. While the construction theory of rules of law focus on constructional theorys, the evolutional theory of rules of law. the development of conceptual rules of law. The paper maintains that the two are interdependent.


