
    Sublimation of Education Concept-the Way for Young Teachers to Impove their Teaching Quality

    • 摘要: 青年教师的教学普遍属于“立地(踏实教学)不顶天(缺乏自觉地用教育教学观念指导)”的类型,他们急需在教育教学观念上进行转变——从重视“教”转向重视“学”,从关心“学会”转向也关心“会学”,从重视传授知识转向重视学生能力和素质的培养。只有教育教学观念升华,才会使教学质量提高到更高的层面,青年教师才能成为“顶天立地”的优秀教师。


      Abstract: The actual teaching practice of the young teachers is analyzed to point out that they generally belong to type of "standing on earth and not proping up heaven". The type means that they can work hard for teaching but lack of the initiative for teaching by using the advanced concept of education and instruction. Thus, they urgently need to change their concept of education and instruction. The change should be from valuing teaching of teachers to valuing both teaching of teachers and learning of students, from attention of learning to understand to both attention to learn to understand and how to learn, from knowledge imparting to both ability training and quality foster by using knowledge imparting. In other words, only the sublimation of their concept of education and instruction can effectively drive their teaching quality to a higher level and they can become excellent teachers which belong to type of " standing on earth and proping up heaven". The type means that they can work hard for teaching and take the initiative for teaching by using the advanced concept of education and instruction.


