
    The Copyright Infringement Dispute Aroused by Software Decompilation:Based on the EU and U.S Legislation

    • 摘要: 软件产业的快速发展引起了诸多著作权争议。从欧盟与美国的立法与司法实践看,软件反向工程基本已经合法化,然而,若干著作仅争议却仍然存在,主要体现在合理使用的实际认定。我国的立法相较西安国家则显得较为保守,然而随着经济的发展,类似案件将愈来越多,司法适用将变得越来越重要。通过比较的方式,针对欧盟与美国的相关规则与法律适用进行分析,以探讨对我国立法及司法的借鉴可能。


      Abstract: There are so many copyright infringement disputes aroused by the software industry's fast development.From the legislation and judicial practice in EU and the U.S, the software's decompilation basically has become legalized;however,there still exist some copyright issues that incarnate into the field of fair-use definition.Compare to the western country's legislation,our legislation has showed conservatively,but along with the economic development,the similar cases may be more and more and the judicial application will become increasingly important.Through the comparison,we can discuss the applicable possibility from the analysis of EU and U.S relative regulations and judicial applications.


