
    On Hu Jintao's Ideas About Socialist Modernization With Chinese Characteristics

    • 摘要: 胡锦涛中国特色社会主义现代化思想是在汲取古老中华文明和世界现代化思想精髓,继承老一辈领导人的现代化思想内核,不断总结改革开放和现代化建设实践经验基础上形成的。中国特色社会主义现代化是以科学发展观为理论指导,以民生人本为价值取向,以和谐社会为目标任务,以改革创新驱动为动力源泉,以党的建设为保障力量的“中国式现代化”。


      Abstract: Hu Jintao's socialist modernization ideas with Chinese characteristics are formed in the lessons of the ancient Chinese civilization,the essence of the world modern thought,the inheritance of Deng Xiao-ping's modern ideological core thought,the constant summary of the practical experience of the modernization.The socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics is " Chinese-style modernization" based on the theory of scientific outlook On development as a guide,which takes the livelihood of the people as the value orientation,a harmonious society as objectives and tasks,the creative innovation as the driven power source,the construction of the Party as security power.


