
    The Justice Appeals of MAO Zedong Governing Thoughts and Contemporary Value

    • 摘要: 公平正义是毛泽东一生的追求,其集中体现在人民民主专政理论、经济建设理论、文化教育理论及其外交理论等治国思想中,当今我国取得的一切成就都源于对毛泽东治国思想的继承和发展。“以人为本”治国理念的提出是对毛泽东人民民主专政理论的高度概括和具体化;“避免两极分化、走共同富裕道路”的理念是对毛泽东经济建设思想的进一步升华;“教育大众化”理念是对毛泽东教育公平思想的进一步落实;“大小国家一律平等、建构和谐世界”的理念是对毛泽东外交思想的进一步延伸。因此,重新审视毛泽东治国理念的公正诉求,对于今天进行的社会主义伟大事业,对于以公平正义为核心价值理念的和谐社会建设有着极为重大而现实的意义。


      Abstract: Fairness and justice is the pursuit of Mao Zedong's life,which is manifested his governing thought,such as the people's democratic dictatorship theory,economic construction theory,cultural education theory and its diplomatic theory.Today the achievements that we achieved are rooted in the inheritance and development of MAO Zedong's governing thought.The new governing idea of " Peopleoriented" is the high generalization and concrete of his people's democratic dictatorship theory."Avoiding the wide gap between the rich and the poor and taking the road to common prosperity" is the further development for his economic construction thought.The idea of the " Mass education" is the further implement of his education thought for people.The thought of the " Equality between the different countries and the constructing the harmonious world" is the further extension of Mao Zedong's diplomatic thought.Therefore,it has a very important and realistic significance for the great socialist cause and the constructing harmonious society,which has a core value concept of equality and justice to re-examine the governing philosophy of Mao Zedong,today.


