
    Research on the Industrial Adjustment Effect of Henan Province

    • 摘要: 以河南省三次经济普查数据为基础,以河南省统计年鉴数据为补充,从宏观、产业和组织3个层面构建产业调整效果评价指标体系,对2004—2013年河南省产业结构调整效果进行评价。宏观层面:与全国平均水平相比,河南省在整体经济增长、人均GDP、城乡居民收入水平、单位GDP能耗等指标改善方面,均优于全国平均水平;在单位GDP电耗、单位工业增加值能耗方面表现欠佳。产业层面:制造业内部,煤炭开采和洗选业等15个行业在2个考察周期产业超前发展;公用事业如燃气、电力和水的生产制造业发展滞后。第三产业内部,住宿餐饮业发展稍微滞后,批发零售业超前发展,生产性服务业发展趋势较好。组织层面:2004—2008年,采矿业规模以上企业比例增加;2008—2013年,规模以上企业占企业数量的比例大幅度下降。其余行业,规模以上企业占全体企业数量的比例均呈下降趋势。2004—2008年,企业利润率呈上升趋势,但2008—2013年,则呈现下降趋势。总之,2004—2013年,河南省产业结构调整效果较为明显。河南省应进一步提升第三产业和制造业内部食品制造业等滞后产业的发展,提升高能耗行业技术水平,降低单位产值能源消耗,重视本地产业和企业的发展,依赖市场的力量调整产业结构。


      Abstract: Based on the three times economic census data of Henan province, this article evaluated the industrial adjustment effect of Henan province in the period 2004-2013 from macro-industrial-and organization perspectives, and established the target index, which showed that from the macro-perspective, Henan province performed better than that of China average level in such aspects:per capitaGDP, rural per capita net income and overall labor productivity, but, Henan province made a negative growth in ratio of profit to industrial, ratio of total assets to industrial, energy and electricity consumption per 10 000 yuan. From the industrial perspective, in manufacture industry, mining and washing of coal, 15 industries have an advanced development, but some public enterprises such as water, gas and electricity etc. showed a downward development. For the tertiary industry, accommodation and restaurant industry developed slowly, but the whole sale and retail sale industry developed fast. From the organization perspective, in the period 2004-2008, the ratio of the mining enterprises above the designated size added, in the period 2008-2013, the ratio of the enterprises above the designated size reduced, which reflected that the amount of medium-sized and small enterprises added. As a whole, inthe period of 2004-2013, the industrial adjustment effect of Henan province practiced quite well, but Henan province should pay much more attention on the development of the tertiary industry and prompt to develop the hysteretic industry. And Henan Province should take energy conservation and emission reduction seriously and value the development of public service industry.


