Mao Zedong and His “Start All Over Again” Diplomatic Strategic Theory and Practice
摘要: 建国之时,毛泽东和党中央根据当时的国际形势,从中国人民的根本利益出发,提出和实施“另起炉灶”的外交战略,成为新中国在当时最重要的外交方略之一。“另起炉灶”外交战略理论的提出实施,彻底划清了新中国外交与旧中国外交的界限,从根本上维护了“一个中国”的原则,使新中国走上了真正独立自主的道路。因此,“另起炉灶”的外交战略理论不仅具有伟大的历史意义,而且具有伟大的现实意义。Abstract: At the beginning of founding new China, according to the international conditions and the basic interest of Chinese people, Mao Zedong and the Party central committee put forward and put in to practice the diplomatic strategy of start all over again, which was one of the most important diplomatic strategies of new China at that time.‘Start all over again' made a clean break with the diplomatic strategy in old China, it maintained the principle of‘One China', and made China go into a way of maintaining independence and keep the initiative. So the diplomatic strategy of ‘start all over again' has not only a great significance of history, but also a great significance of practice.