On the Source and the Theoretical Basis of the Disgorgement of Corporation
摘要: 针对公司归人权既是证券法亦是公司法上的一项制度,指出二者虽有一定的共通性,但在制度层面存有明显不同,这缘于它们在产生背景和价值取向等深层次方面存有差异,因此不能一味追求二者在制度层面的融合。通过历史的分析方法,可以发现:前者主要为了吓阻内幕人员从事内幕交易,维持投资人信心,维护证券市场秩序;后者旨在促使公司负责人行使其对公司所负之忠实义务。就共通性而言,在两种制度中,公司均得以成为归人权的享有主体,其依据在于公司负责人(内幕人员)对公司负有忠实义务,公司归人权亦可谓信托法上之“归人权”的具体演绎。Abstract: Disgorgement of corporation is a system both in the securities law and the corporate law although there are some intercommunities between them,but also sharp differences on stages of the system,which arise from the differences in deep-rooted aspects such as history background and value orientation,ect.By means of historical analysis,we could find that the former takes aim at deterring the insiders from inside dealing, maintaining investors' confidence,safeguarding securities market order;the latter aims at urging persons responsible for the company to perform their duties of loyalty.In terms of their intercommunities,company is the subject of disgorgement of corporation in the two systems aforementioned,which is based on the persons who are responsible for the company (insider) bear duties of loyalty for the company,disgorgement of corporation also could be seemed as deduced form disgorgement in trust law.