
    Esearch on the E-commerce's Mobile Trend in China Under New Normal Circulation

    • 摘要: 新常态推动着电子商务创新,移动电子商务引导着电子商务创新趋势。移动电子商务的移动性、及时性与私密性特征,是传统电子商务所不具备的。新常态带来新机遇与新挑战,也带来了消费需求的个性化与多样化。移动电子商务的发展,正迎合着经济新常态趋势,虽然会遇到诸多发展机遇,但也会面临许多发展障碍。通过诸如线上与线下协同、大数据应用、构建监管体系等一系列具体措施的提出,认为能驱动移动电子商务的健康良性发展。


      Abstract: The new normality takes innovation into e-commerce.The mobile e-commerce is the innovation trend of e-commerce.According to the traditional e-commerce,the mobile e-commerce has several differences,liking mobility,timeliness and privacy.The new normality brings new opportunities and challenges,it also bring the personality and diversifies about consumer demands.The mobile ecommerce's development is to meet the new normality economy.There are many opportunities and obstacles for its development.Finally,it gives some suggestions,such as big-data applications,the transformation of the internet thinking,online and offline cooperation,trinity regulatory system.They can drive the healthy development of mobile e-commerce.


