
    The New View on the Ecological Civilization

    • 摘要: 生态文明作为一种全新的文明,其“新”表现在4个方面:在发展观视野中,生态文明追求的是可持续发展观;价值观上,生态文明强调自然自身的内在价值;权利观上,生态文明强调权利面前“物无贵贱”;道德观视野中,生态文明追求的是生态道德观。生态文明以“新”的向度重新审视人、自然、社会和实践及其相互关系,无疑成为人类文明前行的一盏明灯。


      Abstract: Ecological civilization is a new era and a new forms and its construction will certainly require anew outlook.Which is embodied in four related aspect:Form the perspective of the development concept,ecological civilization is the pursuit of sustainable development;In the field of values,ecological civilization emphasizing the natural self inherence;In rights perspective view,ecological civilization is the pursuit of equality of all thing;In ethics perspective,ecological civilization is the pursuit of eco-ethics.In another word,the ecological civilization will be a broad field of re-examine the people,nature, society and the relationship between the constructions and will also be lit the light of human civilization.


