
    The Translational Ethics Reflected in Bian Zhilin's Three Principles of "Faithfulness,Similarity,Translation"

    • 摘要: 卞之琳“信似译”三原则中蕴含的翻译伦理一直被国内翻译界忽视。卞之琳提出“信”是为了破除“信达雅”对译者的桎梏以及强调译文需要对原作忠实;提出“译”的目的是破除“直译”“意译”的无谓争论和批判译界为追求译文的美感而对原文内容不忠的不当译风;提出“似”一方面是因为在文学翻译中无法做到译文与原文完全对等,另一方面是因为译文必须满足译入语文化规范的要求。“信”和“译”折射的都是翻译的再现伦理,“似”折射的是翻译的规范伦理,“以似致信”是卞之琳融合2种翻译伦理的方式。


      Abstract: The translational ethics embedded in Bian Zhilin's three principles of "faithfulness,similarity; translation" has been ignored in the translation circle of China.The aims of "faithfulness" are to break off the chains imposed by Yan Fu's "faithfulness,expressiveness,elegance" on translators and to emphasize the loyalty of the target text to the source text;the purposes of "translation" are to end the meaningless dispute between literal translation and free translation and to criticize the undesirable phenomena that translators sacrifice the target text's loyalty to the source text for the sake of the target text's beauty;the reasons for "similarity" are that translators can not achieve complete equivalence in literary translation and that translators have to make the target text correspond with the norms of the culture of the target language.The translational ethics embedded in "faithfulness" and "translation" is ethics of representation,while the translational ethics reflected in "similarity" is norm-based ethics.The two translational ethics are mediated by means of rendering faithfulness on the basis of similarity.


