
    On Remuneration Insititutions for Professional Managers

    • 摘要: 分析了职业经理人的各种报酬制度的优缺点及对经理人激励作用的大小,进而分析了中国企业及政府对职业经理人的激励措施中存在偏重精神奖励而忽视物质奖励的问题,并提出将灵活多样的报酬制度和恰当的效率工资相结合的解决思路。


      Abstract: This paper analyses the merits and the defects of remuneration institutions for professional managers and their encouraging degree to managers, then further studies the existing problems in Chinese encouragement measures to professional manangers, and fanally puts forward the ways of solving these problems. Flexible reward system and appropriate officient wage.


