
    Analysis of Conditions for the Application of JIT to Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises

    • 摘要: 适时制(JIT)是近10~20年来由日本企业首创,并为愈来愈多的西方国家的企业所推崇的一种先进的生产管理系统。文章通过分析我国企业的内外部环境,认为我国制造业已基本具备了应用适时制的内外部条件,并以此寻求一系列适合目前我国企业内外部环境的、行之有效的应用策略,以便更好地推广应用这一先进的生产管理方式。


      Abstract: It is an inevitable trends for Chinese manufacturing enterprises to change the mass production of few varieties of products into small-scale production of a large variety of products. In recent two decades, JIT (Just-In-Time), an advanced production management system set up by Japanese enterprises, has been held in high esteem by more and more enterprises in Western Countries. Although Chinese enterprises differ from foreign enterprises in internal and external environment, we can still find a conclusion through analyzing the environment as the following: Chinese enterprises have basically satisfied the conditions for applying JIT. The main purpose to analyze the conditions is to seek a series of tactics for Chinese enterprises to apply JIT to practice and make ample preparations to spread this advanced form of production and management.


