
    Social Space Differentiation and Segregation in Beijing: Based on the Position Distribution of Social Stratum

    • 摘要: 利用第六次人口普查的长表数据对北京社会阶层的区位分布进行了研究。研究发现:北京的社会空间分化为明显的中心、半边缘和边缘3个地带。从地区(街道、乡镇)尺度看,边缘地带的乡镇是底层社会空间,城区、城乡结合部和郊区的卫星城地区(街道、乡镇)都是阶层混居的社会空间,社会隔离表现为封闭的住宅小区与周边棚户区及老旧住宅并存的总体混居与局部隔离的形态;而城乡之间的社会隔离远远大于都市区内部的社会隔离。


      Abstract: This paper attempts to analyze the distribution of the social stratum based on the data of the 6th census of population,and found that the social space of Beijing differentiates into 3 belts of the core,the semi-periphery and the periphery.On the view of districts,Beijing is a mixed social space besides the remote districts in rural areas.The social segregation appears as the whole mixed situation of the closed residential area and the squatter settlements and old areas surrounded it.The social segregation between urban and rural is bigger than the social segregation among the urban areas.


