
    Statistic Analysis of National Debt Risk and Size in China

    • 摘要: 从重视国债风险的角度出发,以国债规模为主要考察对象,从统计学的独特视角,运用统计学的聚类分析和因素分析方法,通过相关指标间的横向国际比较,较为客观、实际地分析了我国国债发行的现状及面临的风险,并在此基础上,为更加合理地利用国债这一重要的财政政策工具,充分发挥其积极作用提出了作者的建议。


      Abstract: The main topic of this paper is how to evaluate financial risk caused by national debt through discussing the scale of the debt. As for the concrete analysis of existing scale of national debt of China, the paper applies two main methods from statistic perspective, the cluster analysis and the factor analysis. At the end of the paper, it draws a conclusion and gives its own suggestions on now to make a better use of national debt.


