
    Writing of Town and Country in Jiangsu Novels Since the New Period

    • 摘要: 新时期以来,江苏小说在描写城乡主题时,无论是叙事视角,还是价值倾向都体现出一定的艺术个性。城乡关系在江苏小说中主要表现为以城市向往为核心的层级关系,个体或群体的生存图景就在城与乡的互视中充分展现出来,并且江苏作家力图从相通的文化心理、人性的良善和对土地的共同记忆中重新构筑起城乡交融的诗意风景,从而实现城乡一体化的文学构建。


      Abstract: Since the new period,Jiangsu novels in depicting the urban and rural theme have embodied certain artistic personality both from the narrative perspective and the value orientation.The relationships between town and country are mainly the hierarchy ionging for the city as the core in Jiangsu novels,the living pictures of the individual or group are displayed from the city and rural looking,Jiangsu writers try to rebuild the poetic landscapes of urban and rural integration from the cultural psychology,and the good human nature and the land memory thus achieve the goal of the urban-rural integration literature construction.


