
    Research on Procedural Prerequisite of Civil Tort Action of Securities

    • 摘要: 对最高法院设立前置程序的理由进行了分析,认为设置前置程序的真正理由是通过减少案件数量来减轻法院的压力,并指出了前置程序可能带来的3个问题:1.将绝大多数虚假陈述案件拒于法院门外;2.即使虚假陈述案件已受理,还可能被终结诉讼;3.行政处罚决定书在民事侵权诉讼中的作用将产生争议。由此建议最高法院尽快废除前置程序。


      Abstract: This article analyzes the reasons why the supreme court establishes procedural prerequisite, and argues that the real reason is to ease courts' burden by reducing the number of cases. This article points out that there are three problems that the procedural prerequisite will produce: 1. most false statement cases are refused to be taken on a case in the court; 2. Even if the false statement case is received, it is most likely to terminate the action; 3. the effect of administrative penalty written dicision in civil tort action will cause controvercy, and suggests that the supreme court should abolish the procedural prerequisite as soon as possible.


